Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 6.0

Component org.nuxeo.template.service.TemplateProcessorComponent


Template processor service that is used to configure DocumentModel rendering via template (ex: merge DocumentModel with a MSWord or OpenOffice template file).

It support an ExtensionPoint to contribute template processors.

@version 1.0



Class: org.nuxeo.template.service.TemplateProcessorComponent


Extension Points

XML Source

<component name="org.nuxeo.template.service.TemplateProcessorComponent">

    Template processor service that is used to configure DocumentModel
    rendering via template (ex: merge DocumentModel with a MSWord or
    OpenOffice template file).

    <p>It support an ExtensionPoint to contribute template

    @version 1.0
    <a href="">Tiry</a>

  <implementation class="org.nuxeo.template.service.TemplateProcessorComponent" />

    <provide interface="org.nuxeo.template.api.TemplateProcessorService" />

  <extension-point name="processor">


      Extension allowing one to register a new TemplateProcessor.

      A TemplateProcessor is a class associated with a format (mime-type or
      extension) and that can be used to render a DocumentModel via type
      type of template.

      For instance :

        <templateProcessor name="XDocReportProcessor"
          label="XDocReport processor" default="true"



      class="org.nuxeo.template.api.descriptor.TemplateProcessorDescriptor" />


  <extension-point name="contextExtension">


      Extension allowing to register a new ContentExtensionFactory that will be used to add custom objects inside the rendering context.




      class="org.nuxeo.template.api.descriptor.ContextExtensionFactoryDescriptor" />


  <extension-point name="outputFormat">

        Extension allowing to register a output formats for rendered template. If no
        chainId is specified, the ConvertBlob operation will be called with
        the mime-type as parameter.
        <outputFormat id="doc" label="DOC" mimetype="application/msword"/>
        <outputFormat id="deckJsToPDF" label="PDF (from DeckJS)" chainId="deckJs2PDF" mimetype="application/pdf"/>

      class="org.nuxeo.template.api.descriptor.OutputFormatDescriptor" />

